2012 Wales
Six teachers from Tanzania and three teachers from Botswana travelled to Wales to spend a week in the Wales partner schools. Unfortunately two Tanzanian students were unable to travel due to Visa problems.
They observed lessons, viewed resources and discussed how information technology such as data projectors and internet access could raise standards of teaching and learning in each country.
Visits were made to the pit head at Rhondda Heritage Park, St Fagans Folk Museum and Porthcawl Harbour.
St Fagans Folk Museum of Welsh life.
The gardens at St Fagans
A bracing walk along the seawall at Porthcawl nr Bridgend
Traditional Welsh costume.
Reginald Swai from Tanzania presents "Player of the match" to a pupil at Heronsbridge
Heronsbridge Primary pupils
Botawa display at Bryntirion Secondary school.
Colliery workings at the Rhondda Heritage Park. It rains a lot in Wales!
Rhondda colliery
Rhondda colliery
A rose growing competition for coal miners.
Severa with a Welsh rose.
A night at the Bowling Alley
Tanzania teachers with their Welsh host.